(317)370-5032PreQualification Screening FormAttorneys will save $1,000s by utilizing the PreQualification Screening Form. The form can be personalized with your law firm information as well as set up on your web server for your own internal processing.Bankruptcy Legal Forms for Law FirmsThe most complete package available on the internet. This package is the personal collection of paralegals and attorneys and contains OVER 300+ pages of pleadings for both debtor and creditor bankruptcy attorneys.Legal Web Design and MaintenanceWe specialize in web design for bankruptcy law firms. We will: (1) INSTALL Wordpress on your domain and do all the initial set-up; (2) Install all the necessary PLUG-INS and WIDGETS plus more.What’s wrong with this picture?An attorney graduates from law school with knowledge of the law and how to interpret it; but they never learn the day to day operations of the law firm or how to market their practice. That task used to be performed by paralegals and legal secretaries. However, in the field of Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy, many attorneys are preparing their own petitions and marketing their own law firms. Who can blasme them? In doing so, attorneys eliminate 90% of their overhead expenses and dramatically increase their profits.But where does an attorney go to learn how to properly prepare a bankruptcy petition or perform other duties that paralegals used to do? Sure; there are many CLE courses for bankruptcy law but none of them specifically address the client intake process and preparation of a well-detailed Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy petition. In the past, attorneys and paralegals had to learn either by trial and error (through the court system) or by training through someone else who had the experience. But this type of training is not only inconsistent but it does not guarantee a professional level of quality. And without these two ingredients, the law firm for a bankruptcy attorney will lose profits and eventually collapse.Chapter 7 and 13 Training.Com was developed to solve this problem for attorneys nationwide. The founder and developer is Victoria Ring, a well known Certified Paralegal who developed the virtual bankruptcy assistant industry under the company name of 713Training.Com. Today, she works with solo attorneys and small law firms, as well as paralegals and their office staff to develop methods that will increase profits as well as streamline the operations and procedures of the law firm. Click here for Attorney References and Click Here for Student References.What Can We Do For You?It is a known fact that if the bankruptcy petition is prepared right in the beginning, the entire bankruptcy case will process through the system with less complications and potential problems that rob a law firm of time and money
ORDER INDIVIDUAL FORMSORDER COMPLETE PACKAGETEST/ORDER PREQUALIFICATION FORMORDER COMPLETE PACKAGEORDER COMPLETE PACKAGEMORE INFORMATIONA Variety of Training and Support OptionsFrom paralegal support to training by telephone or the web; we provide bankruptcy law firms with personalized services to fit their needs. Prices begin at $125 per hour or $850 per 10 hour day for training. You can come to our Colorado office or we will come to your law firm.Choose an option from the Products and Services section at leftFree ToolsInformationProducts and ServicesOtherMy Bankruptcy School